Overview - Add Event to Calendar

Add Event to Calendar is available on both website and mobile app, on selected sites.

IMPORTANT: Events are downloaded and do not sync with the site. If the site administrator edits an event date, time, location, the downloaded event will not reflect these changes.

We recommend using Subscribe to Calendar feature where the events are synced for access to all current event information in your calendar.

1. Click or Tap Add Event to Calendar icon.

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Mobile > RSVP tab

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2.  Read pop up message > click or tap OK.

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3.  Download the .ics file to your computer and add to your preferred calendar.

TIP: For international Organizations where the event is in a different time zone than you are, make sure to change the time zone when saving the event to your computer.  See Outlook steps below.

Website > depending on calendar program used > an .ics file is downloaded to your computer > select and import into your preferred calendar program
calendar program automatically opens prompting you to select the calendar to add the event to.

On Apple Calendar:

Mobile > depending on calendar program used > follow the onscreen prompts. The experience varies depending on your mobile device, operating system, preferences settings and calendar. 

On iPhone

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On Outlook Calendar:

Save file to Outlook:
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In Outlook verify time and date, make any edits as necessary.

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Below, my time zone is Mountain time, but the event is in Paris, adjust the time zone to the zone the event is being held in.

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The event will display adjusted to your time zone.

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