Add your groups event schedule to Apple
Subscribe to Event Calendar
Subscribe to Board Meeting Calendar *not available on all sites
Available on Desktop
Available on Mobile
Event information is always current -
updates are uploaded every hour in ChapterPRO, Apple Calendar updates per your device setting, every 5 minutes, 15 minutes, hour, day, or week.
Subscribe to calendar DOES NOT
REGISTER YOU FOR EVENTS. You must RSVP to events as
NOTE: You must Subscribe to
Calendar on Mac website FIRST
for calendars to sync on
1. Go to website > enter user name and password > click sign in.
2. Click SUBSCRIBE TO CALENDAR > click Apple Calendar.
3. Click Open Calendar.
4. Click Subscribe.
5. IMPORTANT! Auto-refresh setting
defaults to Every week > change default to Every hour > click OK.
6. The Subscribed Calendar is added to
Apple Calendar.
TIP: click event title to view
event details, the calendar is
added to iCloud, and events display
on calendar.
NOTE: TBD dates are not included
in the Subscribe to Calendar. As soon
as the date is set by the
Administrator, the Member's calendar
will be updated.